VeKO supporting international recruitment autumn 2022
Our international talent attraction team started the autumn season with good news: our financier Etelä-Savo ELY Center granted us additional time until the end of March 2023. In addition to this, our team has been strengthened for the rest of the project with two new experts:
Essi Markoff, who started in August, works as a Finnish as a second language trainer and project coordinator: "I have previously worked in integration training, and I am excited about the new job where I get to plan and pilot the Join Finland training." On the other hand, Iuliia Obukhova, who started as a project assistant in September, is a seasoned professional in financial management and she assists the team in project management: "This is my first job in Finland, and I have supportive and friendly colleagues who are always ready to help. Every day I do different things and improve my Finnish language skills.”
Talent Spring - best place for Integration in North Savo
During the project, we developed a free interactive community platform to support the companies that recruit internationally and the settlement of international experts in North Savo. On Talent Spring platform, stakeholders and municipalities can also find useful information about international recruitment and support for it, they can network and add their own news. The goal with Talent Spring is to build North Savo's own international community together with its users.
We are participating in the events of the international themed month from Sawosta Maailmalle, inviting you to become users, active contributors, and content producers on Talent Spring. You can also contact us directly if you want a presentation for your organization. Click here to see the updated events and programs of the international theme month.
Recruitment cooperation with EURES of North Savo TE services
TE EURES North Savo invited us to cooperate with RD Group from Upper Savo and the city of Kiuruvesi in October 2021. During the project, 13 employees have been recruited from Europe and beyond. The last employee, selected last spring, has received a residence permit and will start work soon. During the year-long project, the project team and the company have learned a lot, and the province has received talented and committed experts. VeKO also supports their spouses in their home country by providing information about the Finnish labor market and employment opportunities.
Our fruitful cooperation and project have also aroused interest on a wider scale. Mirka presented our activities to European colleagues in Barcelona in October, and Tanja will talk about VeKO's good practices at the Integration 2022 event in Tampere in November.
Join Finland training
During the rest of the year, we will pilot the Join Finland training, which contains basic information about Finnish society, work and everyday life, and the language. It is possible to complete the training while working. We recommend this training to companies that have just recruited or plan to recruit new international personnel. Registrations directly to
And there is still time for project work: if you have good cooperation ideas, we will gladly develop them further together!
Wishing you an energetic autumn,
VeKO team
Upper Savo recruitment project team and VeKO's new employees
From left: Essi Markoff, Tanja Manner, Samuli Miettinen (TE EURES North Savo), Mirka Niskala, Tuula Parkkonen-Suhonen (City of Kiuruvesi), Iuliia Obukhova and Marco Rigano. Missing from the photo is recruitment team member Seliina Varis (TE EURES North Savo)